Prints For Trade Exhibitions
COPYEXPRESS participates in the design lab exhibition and will present
unique digital printing solutions.
We are expecting you!!!
The Design Lab, the Contemporary Applied Creativity Lab, in its 5th appearance in Athens (3rd consecutive at “Technopolis”), constantly evolving, expands to accommodate – in a very distinct way – all facets of modern design.
With a series of concerted actions (exhibitions, workshops, events, seminars, etc.) the Design Lab Athens 2013 program develops two parallel event cycles:
Design Lab – The Main Event: The “classic” version of Design Lab includes all the latest developments in Architecture, Interior and Industrial design, presenting design in all its creative “phases”: from material (which can be a source of inspiration or tool in the hands of the designer), up to the inspiration itself (hence the architectural design, or vision) and its effect (furniture or object design).
Prints For Trade Exhibitions
Design Lab- The Alternative Edition: By removing any dividing lines and looking for convergence points across all forms of design, Design Lab Athens 2013 hosts young and dynamic professionals from Graphic, Web, Product, Fashion & Food Design, with the aim of bringing new perspectives and proposing up-to-date solutions.
Topic: “Greek Design – The Next Day”
After the central theme set by Design Lab Athens last year, which presented the country’s design industry’s attitude towards the agonizing “Greek Design opposite to Crisis” (a theme that was largely related to the management of an extremely unfavorable present ), the central theme of Design Lab Athens 2013 aims for the future: “Greek Design – The Next Day”.
The entire creative world of the country is invited to overcome (at least in terms of ideas, inspiration and planning) the difficult and miserable present and to look to the future, delineating and ‘pointing’ to the next – from the crisis – day. Anyway, the designer’s work has a momentum and perspective, not being “imprisoned” in today, but inspired and being “experienced” in tomorrow.
Design Lab Athens 2013 plans to be a step forward in submitting suggestions and brainstorming on how, with both dream and accounting, we can all aim for a breakthrough. And “going forward” means, in our view, two things: a) definitive overcoming of the past, and b) a specific targeting of the future we desire, while recording how we will get there.
Design Lab Athens 2013 will propose specific ways of responding to the two above issues in the areas for which it feels responsible in regards to their nature (Architectural, Interior and Industrial design), and through strategic synergies will attempt to do the same for the other forms of design (Graphic, Web, Product, Fashion & Food Design) that it will host.