Beach Flags - Fly Banners

Beach flags are a unique solution for the promotion and advertising of your message, outside any store, pavement, event, beach etc.

Stand dimensions varrie and start from 2 meters in hight and can reach up to 5 meters.

Beach flags have water or cement basis, soil piles and metallic piles.

For more information, feel free to contact us.


In a 265 cm x 65 cm dimension with a concrete or water base, only at 98 euros.

And our special offers continue...

  • 100 8paged with a pin Α4 130 gr 4colored = 100€
  • 200 8paged with a pin Α5 130 gr 4colored = 140€
  • 200 4paged Α4 closed 130 gr 4colored = 100€
  • 1000 4paged Α5 closed 130 gr 4colored = 200€
  • 300 posters 33×48 130 gr 4colored Single sided = 100€
  • 500 3fold 10×21 closed 130 gr = 100€
  • 5000 cards Single sided 300 gr velvet 4colored = 100€

    BEACH FLAG BANNER OUTDOOR STAND Σύστημα προβολής banner διπλής…
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